How Does Your Garden Grow?

How Does Your Garden Grow?
What are you growing in your garden? These pictures are from what we call our "Kitchen Garden". I LOVE this garden. It's just a few steps outside our house. It's EASY to go out for a few minutes to putter around and enjoy being outdoors. We have Brussels sprouts, "cutting lettuce", radishes, tomatoes, onions, green beans, sweet peppers, and some ever-bearing strawberries. We also have herbs in pots...i.e. peppermint that won't take over the whole garden! Can anyone else relate? ðŸ¤£ 

Peony or Paeony?

Peony or Paeony?
How do you pronounce the name of this beautiful flower?  PEE-oh-nee or PI-nee?  Or some other way?  At our house it's a "PEE-oh-nee" and a beautiful reminder of FAMILY.  This plant came from David's parents' home many years ago.  I treasure it.  I want my children to treasure it.  It's a piece of their legacy.  When I look at it I'm reminded of how nervous I was to meet them for the first time.  The moment I looked into their faces I KNEW it was going to be ok.  I fell instantly in love with them, and I know they loved me, too.  My mother-in-love was a precious soul who loved her family immensely.  It was so rewarding to learn things from her.  It was FUN to watch David tease her and make her laugh until tears streamed down her face.  I'm so grateful for the loving relationship and the time I had with my in-laws.  I look forward to seeing them again one day.  

Do you have something in your garden you treasure?